Millennials and the rise of reward apps

Airtime Rewards
2 min readApr 10, 2018


At Airtime Rewards, we believe in making life, and in particular shopping, more rewarding for absolutely everybody. However, it’s no secret that the Millennials as a generation have a love for making life easier for themselves (no, not to be confused with being lazy, which the other generations ever so kindly like to call them). They want instant gratification, higher income and quick and easy solutions. They’re the generation that are replacing the baby boomers in the workplace, so, we guess the millenials ideas are the ones we should be listening to, right? They’ve grown up with the introduction of computers and mobiles, and have watched it grow into what tech is today.

Millennials are now heavily reliant on their phones for most day to day activities such as emails, banking, shopping and our personal favourite… selfie taking. I guess you could call them the mobile generation. We have seen over the years how our mobiles have practically transformed into our handheld wallets. With the introduction of Apple Pay and Android Pay, it means less people are using their cards and cash when shopping in store, and retailers are also now moving their loyalty cards into an app instead. Aimia found that over 1/4 of Millennials would rather use a mobile loyalty app than a plastic loyalty card. Interesting, eh? We guess this is because stamp loyalty cards and plastic loyalty cards are easily forgotten in today’s modern and hectic lives and as we mentioned before, millennials do have a love to keep things easy and seamless, especially when it comes to their wallet and their cards. Personally, I have around 4 loyalty cards in my purse from all different retailers, which I probably haven’t touched for over 2 years! So, can we say that with the introduction of apps and online pay, it’s a sign that plastic cards are making an exit in the millenial world?

It’s also not a secret that even though millenials are money conscious, they love spending their free time in coffee shops, restaurants and clothes shopping. I guess this is why reward programmes are such a hit with this generation, as they’re being rewarded from somewhere they love, after spending their hard earned cash.

If you’ve not tried a reward/cashback scheme before, why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, only rewards to gain! At Airtime Rewards, you can now use your lifestyle to pay for your phone bill. All just by linking your card to our app or website! Who wouldn’t want their favourite shops to pay for their phone bill? Now, we all know how much millennials love their phone, so it seems like a win-win to us 😉

Have any questions? Drop me an email at!



Airtime Rewards

We’ve created a revolutionary new customer rewards programme, changing the way retailers reward the mobile generation.